Saturday, July 31, 2010

First Day Success

Today was the first day of full work and it was a great success. The crew consisted of Dan, Pods, Ben, Greg, Travis and myself. Together we chopped, sawed, and drilled and made great progress in laying the foundation for the unistrut assembly tomorrow. Here are some pics to capture the moment. Enjoy!

Side view of the bus with the back cut off "Ranchero" style.

How could something so cute be turned into the Death Star?

Inside the bus looking out to the Ranchero deck and at Pods' sexy ass.

Pods and Travis sawing the shit out of the Unistrut.

Taking 10 years to drill a hole for the bolt. I clearly need muscle man Travis to help.

This is how Pods measures things. How big? This big.

Bolts with spring nuts lined the bus walls. These will support the Unistrut

At the end of the day, we had our first vertical up, and we could go home happy and accomplished.

Friday, July 23, 2010

We bought our Bus!!!!

Assuming the best for our kickstarter project! We went ahead and bought our bus!!! You'll note that it is slightly different than our CAD model (which showed the front engine bus we were thinking of getting) the mid engine bus is going to be even better as it means more ROOFDECK. (which really is the best part anyway!) We are going to be cutting the back end off this weekend and after work early next week, so look forward to additional photos of the work in progress.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


this is what I am thinking for the main laser.

I am a little sad about the EL wire for the supporting lasers but if that is what we have to do to get on the playa this year I am for it.

Fabric on sides

Benny this is what I am thinking for the black fabric on the sides of the bus. (supposed to look like night sky full of stars) it should be about 8' high. Bus is 35' long and 8-9' high. (i can measure tomorrow)

What material? Cost?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

There is a way

Hey friends and family there is now a way for you to provide a helping hand to our dream of making this idea a reality. You can give us little nudge to keep us on track and away from complete and utter failure. You don't want us to fail do you? If you do you are not a very good friend or mother.

To be a backer go here

We are a go!!!

This day (well actually yesterday but this blog wasn't up yet then) will remain etched in our brains as the day we embarked on a journey of awesomeness. We will attempt to build something so amazing, so breathtaking, so nostalgia inducing, that all will squeal with joy when they see the finished product glowing through their playa coated goggles. Do we know what we are doing? Yes. Well sort of. Maybe. Um... no.

Here we go!